
Feeling lucky as a feeder

Feeling pretty lucky as a feeder.

After my wife lost a LOT of weight, just as I had discovered I like her fat and love growing her, I thought everything was lost.

But over time she started to snack again, osscilating between "give me chips" and "I need to get back to my lower weight"

I finally started telling her I love her with more weight -- and I show it and proof it. Reward it even.

She gets no sexual thing out of this at all, just the enjoyment of giving in to her munchies. And she's slowly but steadily gaining.

I've pampered her to where we're at the point that I do all groceries and prepare all her food. She knows I'm an FA but doesn't really (want to) know I'm a feeder. Still, have almost full control over what she consumes or what there is to consume.

I'm happy smiley And yes -- within the limitations of a woman wanting to eat whatever but gain nothing, she's happy too.
6 years

Feeling lucky as a feeder

The quickest way to get fat is to yoyo diet. It keeps slowing the metabolism down.
6 years

Feeling lucky as a feeder

It's why I fully support her when she wants to lose weight.

I think the yo-yo-ing in weight also helps instill a more defeatist attitude where they become more given over, resigned to being heavy.
6 years